

Scroll speed..  The scroll speed of the display image. 

The configuration property sets the rate at which a display image scrolls across the display screen or visible area.

The value field sets the rate from zero to the maximum allowed by the device. The state field enables scrolling. When the state field is set to one, the scroll speed is enabled at the rate set by the value field. When the state field is set to zero, the scroll speed is zero regardless of the value setting.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 229
Obsolete: no
Size: 2
Programmatic Name: SCPTscrollSpeed
Default: 0,0 0
Neuron C Type:

SCPTscrollSpeed:  text("%f %d", value, state)

Used by:

SFPTelevatorDirectionLantern  SFPTelevatorHallLantern  SFPTelevatorPositionIndicator