Welcome to Version 15.00 LONMARK Resource Files for LONWORKS® software products and other software and devices compliant to the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Networking Protocol. These files contain all previously released standard network-variable types (SNVTs), standard configuration-property types (SCPTs), standard functional profiles (SFPTs), and standard enumeration definitions, plus new SNVTs, SCPTs, profiles, and enumerations, that were added since the version 14.00 release. It also contains all of the header files needed to use the new types. The last beta release was 14.01.
This release also includes a set of Scope 1 resource files for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This set is called the IoT Resource File Set.
NOTE: The version 15.00 files require version 2.41 or newer of the LONMARK resource file API to read the new type and functional profile files. The version 2.41 API is installed by this Resource Files Installation Program for Windows® OS platforms as part of the installation procedure (see Installation for details).
Version 15.00 includes the following standard profiles (SFPTs) that have been added since the v14.00 release:
Version 15.00 includes the following standard configuration property types (SCPTs) that have been added since the v14.00 release:
Version 15.00 includes the following standard network variable types (SNVTs) that have been added since the v14.00 release:
Version 15.00 includes the following enumerations that have been added since the v14.00 release and includes additions to previously existing enumerations, not shown here (see Documentation):
There are two sets of standard resource files: The first set contains the standard.typ, standard.fpt, standard.enu, standard.eng, and standard.fmt files. This set is for use with tools that are compatible with LONMARK resource files including Echelon Corporation’s IzoT™ Commissioning Tool, IzoT Net Server, OpenLNS™ Server, OpenLNS Commissioning Tool, LNS® Server, LonMaker® Integration Tool, and LNS DDE Server. These files include standard functional profiles (SFPTs), standard network-variable types (SNVTs), standard configuration-property types (SCPTs), and standard enumeration types (appended with “_t”).
The standard.fmt format file conforms to the version 3 specification for format files. The version 3 specification added improved support for language localization.
The second set contains the snvt.typ, snvt.enm, and snvt.fmt files. This set is for use with legacy tools based on Echelon Corporation’s LonManager® API such as LonMaker for DOS. These files only define SNVTs—they do not define SCPTs or SFPTs. Additionally, these files have not been updated since 2003 (except to be given common file dates for organizational purposes).
This release also includes Version 2.00 of the IoT Resource File Set. The Version 2.00 IoT Resource File Set defines the following profiles:
The Version 2.00 IoT Resource File Set defines the following user network-variable types (UNVTs):
The Version 2.00 IoT Resource File Set defines the following user configuration-property types (UCPTs):
The Version 2.00 IoT Resource File Set defines the following user enumerations:
The version 15.00 files include several ISO 32000-1 Portable Document Format (PDF) files that detail the LONMARK standard types. These files will be placed into your LONWORKS bin directory (c:\Program Files (x86)\LonWorks\bin or c:\LonWorks\bin by default) by this Resource Files Installation Program for Windows OS platforms. The snvt.pdf file details the standard network-variable types. The scpt.pdf file details the standard configuration-property types. The enum.pdf file details the standard enumerated types. The snvtscpt.pdf file is a master document with common definitions and links to the first three documents. Online, XML-transformed documentation is available for Internet Explorer users at types.lonmark.org. See the LONMARK Web site for functional profile documentation at www.lonmark.org/technology/technical-resources/spid/.
An ISO 32000-1 -compliant reader/viewer is required to view the PDF files. Free-of-charge PDF readers/viewers are available from many different sources—and for many different platforms—and can be found through a search of the Internet.
NOTE: The version 15.00 files require version 2.41 or newer of the LONMARK resource file API to read the new type and functional profile files. The version 2.41 DRF API is installed by this Resource Files Installation Program as part of the normal installation procedure. The API is also available as ANSI C source files (read-only access) for porting to platforms other than Microsoft Windows.
WARNING: If you install any products that include LONMARK Resource files but do not use our installers, the installation of those products may overwrite your updated resource files. If this happens, reinstall the resource files (this would be a good time for you to check the LONMARK Web site at Resource Files – LonMark to see if you have the latest version of the LONMARK Resource Files). Only older (earlier) files are overwritten by the LonMarkResourceFiles1400.exe and later installer programs.
WARNING: Some older tools may report a “Symbol table full” error when opening newer versions of the LonMark Resource Files. If you see this error you can either upgrade your tools, or you can remove formatting of one or more unused SNVTs from these files to reduce the symbol table size. E.g., two large SNVT formats that you may not be using are the formats for SNVT_time_zone and SNVT_earth_pos. These are complex and therefore use a lot of symbol table space. It is possible that you may need to remove several formats in order to work around this problem. If you have already modified your format files, the installer will give you the option of preserving these files so that you can use them in manually modifying the newly installed versions.
WARNING: The standard.fmt format file conforms to the version 3 specification for format files. The version 3 specification added improved support for language localization. Some tools do not recognize the localized format extensions in version 3 format files such as standard.fmt. If you are using Echelon Corporation’s IzoT Commissioning Tool, OpenLNS Commissioning Tool, or LonMaker 3 (or later) Integration Tool or other tool based on Echelon’s IzoT Net Server, OpenLNS Server, or LNS Server 3 (or later), you should not have any problems using the version 3 standard.fmt file. If you are using a tool that does not support the version 3 specification for format files, you can convert version 3 files to version 2 using the FMTconv.exe Format-File Conversion Utility, available for free download from Resource Files – LonMark. Files converted down to version 2 will not be up-convertible back to version 3 files.
Installation Procedure:
You can uninstall the LONMARK Resource Files using Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. You can update the LONMARK Resource Files to a newer version by installing the newer version over the older version. To change to an older version, you must first uninstall the newer version, and then install the older version. You can install options that you did not select for your initial installation by using Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.
You can embed the LonMark Resource File installer as part of your software installation package. Your installation software can run the installer invisibly (not seen by the end user) or with the user interface (as seen when run normally). To invoke the LonMark Resource File installer, determine which features and type of interface you will install and then enter one of the following commands:
NOTE: The spaces before and after “ /s ”, “ /v” ” and “ /qn ” are significant and are required.
To install with the Developer’s Kit feature:
To install with the Start Menu Shortcuts feature:
To install both the Developer’s Kit and Start Menu Shortcuts features:
Echelon, LON, LonWorks, IzoT, LonMaker, LonManager, LonTalk, Neuron, 3120, 3150, LNS, OpenLNS, FTXL, ShortStack, and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation that may be registered in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft, DOS, MS-DOS, Internet Explorer, Windows, XP, Vista, Windows 7, & Windows 8 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
LONMARK and the LONMARK Logo are registered trademarks of LONMARK INTERNATIONAL in the U.S. and other jurisdictions. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.