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Mark will discuss the need for a common interface layer between information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) in building automation and industrial control environments. He will provide an overview of the Internet Access Protocol (IAP) which provides this abstraction layer that are familiar to manufacturers/developers and integrators in both domains. An IAP approach helps protect the investment made in LON, BACnet and other OT networking protocols by making it simpler to extend and interface between old and new parts of a system. This has the potential to define a new era of interoperability for building management and other industrial systems as they extend to the IoT and realize the promise of Industry 4.0.
Altavoz: Mark Buckland, Adesto
Mr. Mark Buckland joined Echelon Corporation in 1992 as a Senior Applications Engineer based in the UK. He was appointed Manager of Customer Services for EMEA in 1998 and subsequently the Senior Solutions Architect for EMEA. Since Echelon was taken over by Adesto Technologies in 2018, Mr. Buckland has been the company’s Global IoT Product Manager. In addition to being involved in many product launches, he has consulted for customers and also taught about all aspects of LonWorks Technology to both integrators and OEMs Worldwide.
Prior to Echelon, Mr. Buckland served at MK Electric for ten years as a Senior Development Engineer working on hardware, software and ASIC design for a variety of control networking solutions. While with MK Electric, he wrote the first version of what was to become the LonMark Interoperability Guidelines. He previously served with Plessey Avionics and Communications working on military avionics.
Smart city is a today a buzzword heard everywhere. But what is exactly a smart city ? Why should cities become ‘smart cities’ ? And even more, how can they become a smart city ? François will explain how the public lighting management can be a basis of your future smart city and present a few examples of installations.
Speaker: Francois Achard, Citylone
François Achard is export sales manager for Citylone for 2 years ; in charge of developing export sales worldwide, he works with agents based in foreign countries. With the large panel of public lighting management solution Citylone offers, he can propose the best solution adapted to the need of the city or the country.
The lecture consists of 2 parts. In the first webinar, audience will get what ANSI/CTA 709.8 High-speed network is. Comparison amongst other technologies, its application, and evaluation kit for practical environment will be discussed. In the second webinar, simple/basic theory and how to design ANST/CTA 709.8 High-speed Network will be provided. Some technique with actual installations will be shown too
Speaker: Masa Konishi, Megachips
Masa Konishi is a General Manager, Networking Infrastructure BU of MegaChips. Masa has more than 25 years’ experience in the high-tech sector, and is a key contributor to various wireline communication productization and its advancement
Open multi-supplier Central Management Software to optimize the smart street lighting experience and efficiency in a smart city approach.
Speaker: Jean-Pierre Ferrand, BeeZeeLinx
Jean-Pierre Ferrand is an electronic and software engineer currently managing the business development at BeeZeeLinx. Jean-Pierre has been at the forefront of the international smart street lighting market during the last 15 years dealing with leading global cities and major industrial partners to unlock the smart street light and smart city control market.
LON is well recognized in building automation and streetlighting. But several applications, touching you in your daily life take advantage of the unqiue feature of LON, restaurants, elevators and escalator, fire protection, metros, industrial applications and a lot more.
Speaker: Matthias Luerkens, Gesytec
Matthias is 57 years old and is with Gesytec since 1989 where he holds the position of Chief Technical Officer. He has 31 years experience in communication systems. Matthias is a LON specialist since 1995 and is the LonMark International Vice Chair since 2016. He has also taken up the role of the Chair of German Marketing Task Group Matthias is an active member of the CEN/TC247 WG4.
For many years all BMS protocols were installed without cybersecurity. The only activity focusing on security was access control and hotel room control.
Today with the large number of BMS systems deployed, the security on existing installations is introduced in mind. For new projects cybersecurity is requested in sensitive installations, but 90% of the installations use one or many protocols such as LonWorks, KNX, BACnet or Modbus without cybersecurity for more than 10 or 20 years.
In this webinar you will find out :
If you are an integrator, a manufacturer, a building owner or in maintenance, this technical webinar will give you more insight into the cybersecurity approach and will also give some key points for discussion with your partners.
Speaker: Daniel Zotti, Occitaline SAS
Daniel Zotti became a French trainer for Echelon and trained the first generation of LonWorks software engineers, as well as integrators and manufacturers for more than 20 years. Meanwhile, he started a company called Newron System in 1993, which became the world’s reference for BMS software integration using the LonWorks protocol as well as using other protocols like KNX and BACnet . That same year, together with Didier Tymen he established the LonUsers France association (nowadays called LonMark Francophone) in order to unite and organize all the actors in the LonWorks technology focusing on the possibilities of technical and trading developments. For approximately 15 years, Daniel Zotti is active all over Europe to appraise LonWorks buildings, offering a global vision of stakes in network infrastructures. In 2013, Occitaline was established beingthe logical continuation of this technical and commercial approach: using the knowledge and field experience to conceive and setup the new generation of infrastructure products aiming at building automation networks.
Everything a city needs to enable smart streetlighting, wastebin management, traffic management and full scale energy savings.
Speaker: Jörg Schneck, LVX Global
In 2020, Jorg joined the senior management team of LVX Global (Deutschland) GmbH as General Manager of Business Development. LVX Global is an international advisory firm that provides vendor and contractor neutral services to the turn-key, whole of life engineered solutions market for the Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure Property sectors. With qualified and experienced staff in Australia, Europe and North America, LVX services the world’s largest assets and their owners and clients in over 1,000 existing buildings, cities, campuses and new projects each year. Jorg is responsible for LVX Global’s sales and marketing activities Europewide.
Building automation market is continously asking for systems to improve the energy efficiency, HOTELs subsystems are one of the most demanding buildings from the automation point of view, they need real time systems working all together to solve every need about access control, HVAC, lighting, smart metering and technical elements in the most possible efficient way. On this webinar audience will learn:
Speaker: Jorge Bueno, ISDE
Mr. Jorge Bueno is CTO at ISDE, with more than 15 years experience in home and building automation markets. Telecommunications engineer and executive Master Degree in Marketing and Sales management previously worked as hardware and firmware developer and R&D Director being a key contributor in automation devices and solutions development. Great defender and very knowledgeable of LONWORKS and other standard, open and interoperable automation protocols.