What does LMI do?

LMI as an independent, global industry group, is an information resource for schools, universities and research institutes.

Information on all of the key issues pertaining to technology and the rapidly expanding areas of IoT and smart cities can be assessed by these entities.

LMI also provides access to a global network of like minded academics and students through which knowledge, information and challenges can be shared. This equally involves
the direction and execution of new research, as well as the development of future industry course content for new and existing courses.

Benefits of LMI for Education and Research Institutes

  • Up to the minute independently reviewed technology due diligence
  • Information on organizational change management strategies for organizations implementing future industry solutions in the workplace.
  • Legal and legislative precedents for new technology applications
  • Finance and procurement models and precedents
  • Provides standards, regulations and guidelines for the development, use and application of never technologies in different global jurisdictions
  • Access to technology for students and educational institutions for trail, use and to assess new applications
  • Global thought leadership groups for academics and students to meet and share knowledge and also collaborate on new challenges
  • World-wide student hack-a-thons and competitions
  • Availability to technology companies for internships and placements as well as the opportunity to commercialize innovative research and ideas
  • Insight for clients to evaluate new technologies and/or conduct research
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