About Us
Maximum energy efficiency in Hotel Automation: HVAC, lighting, access control, technical elements inside and outside the rooms working all together in a real time system with more than 1.500 LON controllers.
One of the most ambitious residential projects in Spain is the Altos del Hipódromo Neighborhood
A remote controlled management system from Citylone was deployed and integrated into the centralized technical management.
Vaucresson a city of 10,000 near Paris, decided to take a leap and to completely modify its public lighting system.
Using the inteliLIGHT® street lighting management system, Brasov becomes the first Smart City in Romania
ISDE Automates the Ferroparque’s Building with LonWorks-Based Technologies, Reducing Energy Consumption by 20% and Costs by 25%
Street Lighting Retrofit Maintains Old World Charm as it Improves City-Wide Efficiency and Safety
SPIE Contributes to Smarter, More Energy Efficient Environments for Six Parisian Cities Using LonWorks Streetlight Management & Control System
Marbella Residences Community Home Automation done with LON