Sunblind Controller.. Controls one or more Sunblind Actuators to open/close sunblinds or similar devices.
Network Variables | Configuration Properties |
nviAutoMode nviDawn nviDusk nviFrost nviGlare nviGlobalControl nviGroupControl nviIllumLev nviIndoorRH nviIndoorTemp nviLocalControl nviMaintenance nviOccManCmd nviOccSensor nviOutdoorRH nviOutdoorTemp nviOverride nviRain nviScene nviSetMaint nviSetOverride nviSunAzimuth nviSunElevation nviSunLux nviTerminalLoad nviWindowContact nviWindspeed nvoSblndState
| nciMaxSendTimeNV01
nciBypassTime nciLocation nciMaxReceiveTimeNV05 nciMaxReceiveTimeNV07 nciMaxReceiveTimeNV08 nciMaxReceiveTimeNV18 nciMaxSendTimeNV02 nciNvPriority nciObjMajVer nciObjMinVer nciWeaSenFailPos nciWinConFailPos
Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 83 |
| no |
| 6111 |
| no |
Mandatory Network Variables |
nvoSblndSetting | Controller setpoint output.: This output network variable provides the Sunblind Controller setpoint value which may depend on any network input and configuration properties.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
Optional Network Variables |
nvoSblndState | Sunblind controller state output.: This output network variable is used to report the actual setpoint, error messages and the cause of the latest change of this setpoint.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nviLocalControl | Local setpoint adjustment.: This network variable input is provided to set the controller setpoint output. Usually this command is given by a local control device.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviGroupControl | Input for setpoint adjustment in groups.:
This network variable input is provided to set the controller setpoint output. Usually this command is given by a device which is intended to control groups of controllers or actuators.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviWindspeed | Wind speed sensor input.: This input network variable is used to get wind speed influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSunLux | Outdoor brightness input standard range.: This input network variable is used to get sun (outdoor) brightness influence with a range from 0...65klux on the controller.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviRain | Rain sensor input.: This input network variable is used to get rain sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 7 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviFrost | Frost sensor input.: This input network variable is used to get frost sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviDawn | Dawn state input.: The term "Dawn" means the time before sunrise when it is more bright than during the night but not as bright as the average of daytime.
Member Number:
| 9 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviDusk | Dusk state input.: The term "Dusk" means the time before sunset when it is no longer as bright as the average of daytime but brighter than during the night.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOutdoorTemp | Outdoor air temperature input.: This input network variable is used to get outdoor temperature sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviIndoorTemp | Indoor temperature input.: This input network variable is used to get indoor temperature sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 12 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOutdoorRH | Outdoor relative humidity input.: This input network variable is used to get outdoor relative humidity sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviIndoorRH | Indoor relative humidity input.: This input network variable is used to get indoor relative humidity sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviIllumLev | Indoor illumination level input.: This input network variable is used to get indoor light sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviScene | Scene trigger input.: Every scene relates to a particular setpoint value, which could be sent via nvoSblndSetting.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviGlobalControl | Global setpoint adjustment.: This network variable input is provided to set the controller setpoint output.
Member Number:
| 17 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviWindowContact | Window contact input.: This input network variable is used to get window contact influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 18 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviAutoMode | Mode enabling/disabling input.: This input network variable is used to get mode switch functionality on the controller.
Member Number:
| 19 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOverride | Override state input.: This input network variable is used to get override influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 20 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviMaintenance | Setpoint input for maintenance reasons.: This input network variable is used to get maintenance signal influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 21 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviTerminalLoad | Heating/cooling demand input.: This input is used to receive the current heating/cooling demand of the system which the sunblind controller shares in.
Member Number:
| 22 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOccSensor | Occupancy sensor value input.: This input network variable is used to get occupancy sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 23 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOccManCmd | Occupancy override input.: This input network variable is used to get business hour info influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 24 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviGlare | Glare detecting sensor value input.: This input network variable is used to get glare detecting sensor influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 25 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSunElevation | Astronomical sensor value input for sun declination.: This network input represents information from a sun-position calculating device.
Member Number:
| 26 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSunAzimuth | Astronomical sensor value input for sun inclination.: This network input represents information from a sun-position calculating device.
Member Number:
| 27 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSetOverride | Setpoint override input.: This input network variable is used to get override influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 28 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSetMaint | Setpoint input for maintenance reasons.: This input network variable is used to get maintenance influence on the controller.
Member Number:
| 29 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
Mandatory Configuration Properties |
nciMaxSendTimeNV01 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSblndSetting | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
Optional Configuration Properties |
nciMaxSendTimeNV02 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSblndState | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciMaxReceiveTimeNV05 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviWindspeed | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciMaxReceiveTimeNV07 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviRain | Array:
| not permitted | Maximum:
| 0,0 | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciMaxReceiveTimeNV08 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviFrost | Array:
| not permitted | Maximum:
| 0,0 | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciMaxReceiveTimeNV18 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 7 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviWindowContact | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciNvPriority | Environmental-Input Priority.: Defines the priority of inputs that control the positioning of the sunblinds.
nciBypassTime | Bypass time.: The maximum amount of time that the controller can be in the bypass (occupancy) mode following the last bypass request. Zero disables the timer.
nciWeaSenFailPos | Weather-Sensor Failure-Position Default.: Defines the default position of the sunblind in the event that the sensor input fails.
nciWinConFailPos | Window-Contact -Sensor Failure-Position Default.: Defines the default position of the sunblind in the event that the sensor input fails.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviWindowContact | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| SET_OFF 0,0 0,00 |
nciLocation | Location: Provides descriptive physical location information related to the object.
nciObjMajVer | Object major version number.: The major version number for the object.
nciObjMinVer | Object minor version number.: The minor version number for the object.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTsunblindController | Flags:
| device specific, constant | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |