This configuration property sets descriptive physical location information for the associated functional block or device. It provides a more detailed description of the device that can be provided by the Neuron Chip's 6-byte location string.
A SCPTlocation configuration property that applies to the Node Object functional block is used to identify the subsystem containing the device. This allows network recovery tools to recover subsystem information from a device. The subsystem may be a simple location name, or may be a hierarchical subsystem name. If a hierarchical subsystem name is specified, the subsystem hierarchy components must be separated by periods (“.”). For example, a device may have a Node Object SCPTlocation value of “Bldg 1.Floor 2.Rm 29”, representing the Bldg 1/Floor 2/Rm 29 subsystem. Periods must not otherwise be used in a SCPTlocation value that applies to a Node Object functional block. Other characters that cannot be used in a subsystem name are the backslash (“\”), colon (“:”), forward slash (“/”), or double-quote characters. For very large networks, subsystem numbers may be used instead of subsystem names, for example: “1.2.29”. This allows deeply nested hierarchies to fit within the 31 character limit for SCPTlocation.
The ascii field contains a nul-terminated string of up to 30 characters (making a total of 31 characters). The default value is nul string (all zeroes).