

Bypass time..  The maximum amount of time that the controller can be in the bypass (occupancy) mode following the last bypass request. Zero disables the timer. 

This configuration property defines the maximum amount of time that a controller can be in the bypass (occupancy) mode following a single bypass request from either a local (hardwired) bypass switch or from another device over the network. Additional bypass requests can restart the timer. Setting this configuration property to zero disables the bypass function and no bypass takes place.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 34
Obsolete: no
Size: 2
Programmatic Name: SCPTbypassTime
Default: 0
Neuron C Type:

SCPTbypassTime:  text("%f")

Used by:

SFPTchilledCeilingController  SFPTdischargeAirController  SFPTsccAHU  SFPTsccChilledCeiling  SFPTsccFanCoil  SFPTsccHeatPump  SFPTsccRadiator  SFPTsccRooftop  SFPTsccSelfContained  SFPTsccUnitVentilator  SFPTsccVAV  SFPTspaceComfortController  SFPTsunblindController  SFPTunitHeater  SFPTunitVentilatorController  SFPTwallUnit