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Year: 2019
Place: Vaucresson France
Products: SL31 or SL21

In 2013 Vaucresson a city of 10,000 near Paris, decided to take a leap and to completely modify its public lighting system. This included installation of an underground network, LED technology and lighting point nodes. With help from long term installer, SPIE, the city wanted to find a solution to go further than the simple LED replacement.

The Challenge

The changes won’t happen magically over night, it will take over 10 years to renew and modernize the public lighting infrastructrue. By systematic installation of LED technology with lighting point controllers at the bottom of the poles, the city of Vaucresson has been equipped with a full system and node installation remained simple, either in the pole or in the cabinet.
Implementation, which is more delicate, requires a trained installer as they needs informatical competences. Today, up to 70% of the cabinets are equipped with segment controllers but remote control is implemented progressively.
Another benefit of Citylone’s product: lighting point controllers alone allow energy savings with night time programmable dimming. They can be later included in the remote control system. This system allows incremental savings from the start without the need to wait for the full system to be configured. Other benefits include:

• 600 points equipped with SL31 or SL21 (rest of the city currently under installation)

• 3 dimming schedules according to the type of streets

• 209,000 kW saved, meaning 40% of consumption (with global system, including LED and management system)

The city of Vaucresson has decided to classify the streets in three types :

• Largest circulation streetslights at 100%, then dimmed to 60% from 22h to 6h

• Main street lights at 60 % then dimmed to 20% from 22h to 6h

• Pedestrian ways on at 60% then dimmed to 40% from 22h to 6h.

As Gaëlle Paris emphasizes, “We could have stopped only at LED replacement but dimming and remote control will help us to better understand and control our consumption.”


SL21/SL31 lighting point controllers that communicate using LonWorks to the segment controller.


• Energy savings

• Lighting point management: individually or by group of points

• Programmable schedule and management of exception days

• Remote access to modify, configure and follow the installation

• Information feedback: failures, consumption, lighting point status…

• Failure alerts

• Open protocol communication : DALI, Powerline communication in LonWorks

• Open Smart City solution allowing diverses information feedback (pollution sensors, noise sensors…) through the lighting network as well as powering of external elements (when the network is powered 24/7)


Contact data

Manufacturer: Citylone
Contact person: Francois Achard
Address: ZA des Andrés Brindas France
Phone number: +33478456565