

Scene configuration..  Scene definition used to create a scene table. This SCPT defines the minimum entries required by the ISI profiles. May be used in combination with SCPTsceneTiming.  


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 307
Obsolete: no
Size: 4
Programmatic Name: SCPTscene
Default: 0 0,0 0 0
Neuron C Type:
scene_numberScene number..  Scene number used to uniquely identify a scene. A scene number to be recalled or learned is typically received from a SNVT_switch_2 or SNVT_scene input NV. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Invalid: 0
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
settingScene setting level.  (% of full level.) .  Setting value that is applied when the scene specified by scene_number is recalled. Also used to set or specify a factor to be multiplied with the setting. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 200
Invalid: 255
Scaling (A,B,C): 5,  -1,  0
Scaled value: 5 *10 -1 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 0.5
rotationScene rotation angle.  (degrees) .  Rotation angle that is applied when the scene specified by scene_number is recalled. Only applies to devices that support a rotation setting such as blinds. 
signed short
Minimum: -90
Maximum: 90
Invalid: -128
Scaling (A,B,C): 2,  0,  0
Scaled value: 2 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 2
unoccupied_sceneUnoccupied scene number..  Scene to be activated when the scene specified by scene_number is active, and an unoccupied input is received. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Invalid: 0
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1

SCPTscene:  text("%d %f %d %d", scene_number, setting, rotation, unoccupied_scene)

Used by:

SFPTisiLampActuator  SFPTisiSunblindActuator