

Schedule.  Describes the attributes of a daily schedule definition. 

This configuration property is used to create an array of schedule descriptions, each including a temporary schedule flag, priority, and an index into the time-value list defined by a SCPTscheduleTimeValue array. Optional schedule names may be provided using a SCPTscheduleName array of the same size as the SCPTschedule array. When multiple schedules are active, the first schedule in the SCPTschedule array with a valid value and the highest priority (lowest priority value) is used.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 274
Obsolete: no
Size: 3
Programmatic Name: SCPTschedule
Default: 0 127 65535
Neuron C Type:
temporaryTemporary flag..  Identifies a temporary schedule. Temporary schedules are deleted at the end of the day that they are active. 
Signed: no
Width: 1
Offset: 0
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
schedule_prioritySchedule priority..  Specifies the priority for this schedule. Low priority values specify high priority, and high priority values specify low priority. Zero (0) is the highest priority and 255 is the lowest.  
Signed: no
Width: 7
Offset: 1
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 127
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
time_value_indexTime-value array index..  Identifies the starting entry of a list of time-value events in a SCPTscheduleTimeValue array. The end of the list is identified by the terminator field in the SCPTscheduleTime entry.  
unsigned long
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 65535
Invalid: 65535
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1

SCPTschedule:  text("%d %d %d", temporary, schedule_priority, time_value_index)

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