Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 71 |
| snvt_sw.h |
SW_NUL | -1 | Invalid value. |
SW_SET_OFF | 0 | Set the state to off; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_SET_ON | 1 | Set the state to on; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_REPORT_OFF | 2 | Report that the state is off; output only; ignored for input. |
SW_REPORT_ON | 3 | Report that the state is on; output only; ignored for input. |
Toggle on-off state; same action as SW_SET_OFF if the on/off state was on, and SW_SET_ON if the on/off state was off; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans.
SW_SET_LEVEL | 5 | Set the level to the specified value; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_INCREASE_LEVEL | 6 | Increase the level by the specified value; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_DECREASE_LEVEL | 7 | Decrease the level by the specified amount; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_RECALL_SCENE | 8 | Recall the state and level from the specified scene. |
SW_STORE_SCENE | 9 | Store setting for the specified scene. |
SW_LEARN_SCENE | 10 | Learn setting for the specified scene. |
SW_SET_OCCUPIED | 11 | Set the occupancy state. |
SW_SET_UNOCCUPIED | 12 | Clear the occupancy state. |
SW_SET_MULTIPLIER | 13 | Set a multiplier for the level for 60 minutes; ignored for blinds, drapes, shades, and fans. |
SW_ENABLE_GROUP | 14 | Enable a group; all groups are enabled by default. |
SW_DISABLE_GROUP | 15 | Disable a group. |
SW_WINK | 16 | Blink state (toggle on-off state; pause; toggle on-off state again. |
SW_RESET | 17 | Reset scene definitions, multiplier, occupancy state, group enable flags, and settings to factory defaults. |
SW_RESET_ENERGY_USAGE | 18 | Reset energy usage value to zero. |
SW_RESET_RUNTIME | 19 | Reset runtime value to zero. |
SW_INCREASE_HUE | 20 | Increase color hue. |
SW_DECREASE_HUE | 21 | Decrease color hue. |
SW_SET_BUTTON | 22 | Trigger the actions for pressing and releasing the button specified in the value field. |
SW_SET_GROUP_STATE_LEVEL | 23 | Set state and percent of full level (value field) for a group specified in the scene field. |
SW_SET_FAN_UP | 32 | Set ceiling fan direction to up, with specified level. |
SW_SET_FAN_DOWN | 33 | Set ceiling fan direction to down, with specified level. |
SW_TOGGLE_FAN_DIRECTION | 34 | Toggle fan up-down direction. |
SW_INCREASE_FAN_LEVEL | 35 | Increase fan speed by the setting. |
SW_DECREASE_FAN_LEVEL | 36 | Decrease fan speed by the setting. |
SW_SET_FAN_ON | 37 | Set the fan state to on. |
SW_SET_FAN_OFF | 38 | Set the fan state to off. |
SW_TOGGLE_FAN_STATE | 39 | Toggle the fan on-off state. |
SW_MOVE_OPEN | 48 | Move blinds, drapes, or shades open by the setting. |
SW_MOVE_CLOSED | 49 | Move blinds, drapes, or shades closed by the setting. |
SW_SET_ANGLE | 50 | Set the rotation angle of blinds to the setting. |
SW_ROTATE_OPEN | 51 | Rotate blinds open by the setting. |
SW_ROTATE_CLOSED | 52 | Rotate blinds closed by the setting. |
SW_STOP | 53 | Stop any motion of blinds, drapes, or shades. |
SW_SET_STANDBY | 54 | Set Standby mode. |
SW_TOGGLE_STANDBY | 55 | Toggle the standby state. |
SW_SET_POSITION | 56 | Set blinds, drapes, or shades to the specified position; 100% is fully open, 0% is fully closed. |
SW_REPORT_POSITION | 57 | Report the position of blinds, drapes, or shades output only; ignored for input. |
SW_REPORT_FAN_LEVEL | 58 | Report the fan speed in percent of full level output only; ignored for input. |
Used by:
| SNVT_switch_2 |