The TCU Fan Coil Unit Controller is a LonWorks® network compatible device that provides direct digital control of fan coil units with heating and/or cooling coils, and a single-speed, three-speed or variable-speed fan. The controller is designed for field installation or for mounting by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The space comfort set points, occupancy mode and fan speed may be adjusted from the TM-9100 Series Room Command Module, or from a LonWorks compatible Room Command Module when the controller is connected to a LonWorks network. The controller complies with the LonMark® interoperability guidelines for sharing data with other network sensors and devices. Operating variables and parameters can be monitored and adjusted from a LonWorks compatible supervisory system, including the
Metasys® NCM Network Control Module and NAE Network Automation Engine that integrate the fan coil unit controller into a facility-wide network. The TCU Series 2 controller includes extended features for the operation of controllers in a master-slave relationship and for the connection of multiple occupancy sensors over the LonWorks network in larger rooms and open areas.