The Variable Speed Drive LonWorks® Communications Card (VSD-200) is designed for use with all drive products in the GE Fuji Electric AF-300 P11 (TM) F11 (TM) and G11(TM) family. The VSD-200 is a simple, cost-effective networking solution that makes GE Fuji drive products interoperable with any Circon product including HVAC, lighting, card access, energy management, and any LonWorks based product from third party vendors. The VSD-200 installs easily using a three-step process that is completed in minutes. The VSD-200 plugs directly into the drive for power and data inputs rather than being externally mounted with wires run to the drive. This direct communication between the card and the drive allows the VSD-200 to provide over forty control functions, significantly more than the standard nine or ten offered by remote drive interfaces. The functionality of the VSD-200 combined with its easy installation process makes it a very cost-effective drive interface solution. The VSD-200 is a component of the Circon Integrated Building Automation System, which integrates commonly automated building functions over a single, distributed network. Circon uses an open architecture based on Echelon® networking technology.