

Actual position feedback delay..  The period for updating the feedback output when the actuator position does not match the requested position. 

This configuration property sets the period for updating the actual actuator position feedback output from a functional block when the actuator position does not match the requested position as specified by the primary input network variable of the functional block.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 1
Obsolete: no
Size: 7
Programmatic Name: SCPTactFbDly
Maximum: 0 0:0:59:999
Default: 0 0:0:0:0
Neuron C Type:

SCPTactFbDly:  text("%d %d:%d:%d:%d", day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)

SCPTactFbDly#LO:  text(("%d ", day), time(hour, minute, second, millisecond))

Used by:

SFPTclosedLoopActuator  SFPTopenLoopActuator