

Currency  (unit, magnitude, value.) .   

Used to represent a monetary value in a specified currency. The value field is a 32-bit signed value compatible with the Neuron C Extended Arithmetic s32_type type. Positive values correspond to credits, negative values to debits.


The power_of_10 field scales the value field, so that for example, USD($) -1.23 is represented as the following:
{CU_UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR, -2, {-1, -1, -1, -123}} or
{CU_UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR, -2, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x85}}

EUR(€) 45.67 is represented as the following:
{CU_EUROPEAN_CURRENCY_UNIT, -2, {0, 0, 17, 215}} or
{CU_EUROPEAN_CURRENCY_UNIT, -2, {0, 0, 0x11, 0xD7}}

JPY(¥) 1000000 is represented as the following:
{CU_JAPAN_YEN, 0, {0, 15, 66, 64}} or
{CU_JAPAN_YEN, 0, {0, 0x0F, 0x42, 0x40}}


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 89
Obsolete: no
Size: 6
Programmatic Name: SNVT_currency
Neuron C Type:
currencyCurrency  (currency names.) .   
power_of_10Magnitude  (power of 10.) .   
signed short
Minimum: -128
Maximum: 127
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
valueValue  (currency value.) .  Credit is positive, debit is negative. 
Minimum: -2147483648
Maximum: 2147483647
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1

SNVT_currency:  text("%m,%d,E%d", currency, value, power_of_10)

SNVT_currency#LO:  text("%m|%d|E%d", currency, value, power_of_10)