

Preset  (mode, data, time.) .   

Network variables of SNVT_preset type are used to allow a sensor or actuator functional block to control and adopt one of several programmable values and ramp rates, in addition to the normal control mode. For a usage example, see the definition for the Closed Loop Sensor (SFPTclosedLoopSensor).

To program a preset, the SNVT_preset output is transmitted from a sensor with updated values for SNVT_preset.value, SNVT_preset.selector, and the time-related fields. In addition, SNVT_preset.learn is set to LN_LEARN_VALUE —or alternatively set to LN_LEARN_CURRENT, which causes the receiving actuator to learn whatever its current value is. A pre-programmed preset can be selected by transmitting the SNVT_preset output with the relevant preset number set in SNVT_preset.selector, and with SNVT_preset.learn set to LN_RECALL.

The time-related fields specify the time period over which the actuator should progress from the current level to the newly selected preset level. A benefit of this mechanism is that any set of actuators that are preset with a common rate value for a particular preset number, will all arrive at this new value at the same time, regardless of the individual preset values to which they ramp.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 94
Obsolete: no
Size: 14
Programmatic Name: SNVT_preset
Neuron C Type:
learnLearn mode.  (learn mode names.) .   
selectorSelector  (16-bit unsigned value.) .  The selector is used to choose which preset. 
unsigned long
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 65535
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
valueValue  (array of 4 bytes.) .   
unsigned short [4]
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 255
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
dayDays  (days) .  The value 65535 represents NULL or unknown elapsed time. 
unsigned long
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 65535
Invalid: 65535
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
hourHours  (hours) .  This field uses a 24-hour value. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 23
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
minuteMinutes  (minutes) .   
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 59
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
secondSeconds  (seconds) .   
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 59
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
millisecondMilliseconds  (milliseconds) .   
unsigned long
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 999
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1

SNVT_preset:  text("%m %d <%x %x %x %x> %d %d:%d:%d:%d", learn, selector, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)

SNVT_preset#LO:  text(("%m %d <%x %x %x %x> %d ", learn, selector, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], day), time(hour, minute, second, millisecond))

Used by:

SFPTclosedLoopActuator  SFPTclosedLoopSensor  SFPTlightingPanelController  SFPTopenLoopActuator  SFPTopenLoopSensor