

Chiller enable..  The default power-up and restart modes of the device when the default behavior selector is set to zero. 

This configuration property sets the default power-up and restart modes of various devices (such as chillers, boilers, and similar devices) unless the SCPTdefltBehave configuration property is set equal to one. In the latter case, use the manufacturer-specified values, instead.

The value field is not used. A state value of 0 requests device activity to be Off; a state value of 1 requests device activity to be Auto (run). A state value of –1 (0xFF) indicates an invalid value. The default value is 0 (request device activity Off).


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 73
Obsolete: no
Size: 2
Programmatic Name: SCPTpwrUpState
Default: 0,0 0
Neuron C Type:

SCPTpwrUpState:  text("%f %d", value, state)

Used by:

SFPTboilerController  SFPTchiller  SFPTlightActuator  SFPToutdoorLuminairController