Network Variables | Configuration Properties |
nviClear nviDataValue nviEnable nvoLevAlarm nvoStatus
| cpLogCapacity cpLogNotifyThreshold cpLogSize cpLogType
cpFanInEnable cpLogAlarmThreshold cpLogHighLimit cpLogLowLimit cpLogMinDeltaTime cpLogMinDeltaValue cpMaxAlSendTime cpMaxFanIn cpMaxNVLength cpMaxSendTime cpNVType cpObjMajVer cpObjMinVer cpPollRate cpSourceAddress cpTimestampEnable
Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 95 |
| no |
| 9 |
| no |
Optional Network Variables |
nvoLevAlarm | Alarm status 2.:
Transmits alarm data to a monitoring device. The alarm type is set to AL_NO_CONDITION if the level set by cpLogAlarmThreshold is not reached and to AL_ALM_CONDITION if the level has been reached or exceeded. The priority is set to PR_10.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nviEnable | Enable: Enables data collection for the data log. Data collection is enabled when the state value is one (1). The level value is not used.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviDataValue | Data value.: Receives data to be collected in the data log. Optional because data sources may be internal to the device.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviClear | Clear: Clears the contents of the data log. The data log may also be cleared by a Node Object request.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nvoStatus | Log status.:
Reports the current status of a data log. Updated based on the cpLogNotificationThreshold value. Reports status only; alarms reported via Node Object nvoAlarm2 output. Required if the Node Object does not include an nvoLogStat output.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
Mandatory Configuration Properties |
cpLogCapacity | Data log capacity.: Specifies the total capacity of all data logs on a device. The size of each data log is specified by its cpLogSize value. The value is specified in bytes.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| constant | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpLogNotifyThreshold | Data log notification threshold.: Specifies the percentage change in log level required to trigger an update to the Data Log Status (nvoStatus) output.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
cpLogSize | Log size.: Capacity of a data log.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpLogType | Data log type.: Specifies the method used to store data in a data log.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Minimum:
| LT_CIRCULAR | Maximum:
| 3 | Default:
Optional Configuration Properties |
cpFanInEnable | Fan-in enable.:
Enables fan-in of multiple data sources. When True, the application examines the source address of each input value and uses it to determine the data source of the update.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 1 |
cpObjMajVer | Object major version number.: Major version number for the data logger implementation. This value is incremented when the network interface for the functional block changes.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| constant | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 1 |
cpObjMinVer | Object minor version number.:
Minor version number for the data logger implementation. This value is incremented when the functional block implementation changes without changing the functional block network interface. The minor version is reset to zero and the cpObjMajVer value is incremented when the functional block network interface changes.
Member Number:
| 7 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| device specific, constant | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpTimestampEnable | Data log enable timestamp.: Enables time stamping of each data value. When True, the data logger includes a timestamp of the receipt time for each value received by the data logger.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 1 |
cpLogHighLimit | Data log high limit.:
Enables logging of data greater or equal to the specified value. All other data is ignored, with the exception that data that is less than or equal to a valid SCPTlogLowLimit value is also logged. All data is logged if the SCPTlogEnableHighLimit and SCPTlogEnableLowLimit values are both invalid.
Member Number:
| 9 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 00*4 |
cpLogLowLimit | Data log low limit.:
Enables logging of data less than or equal to the specified value. All other data is ignored, with the exception that data that is greater than or equal to a valid SCPTlogHighLimit value is also logged. All data is logged if the SCPTlogEnableHighLimit and SCPTlogEnableLowLimit values are both invalid.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 00*4 |
cpMaxFanIn | Maximum fan-in.:
Specifies the maximum number of data sources that may be connected to a network variable. The functional block determines data sources by examining the source address of each update.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| constant | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpLogMinDeltaTime | Data log minimum delta time.:
Minimum amount of time between logged values. This is used to throttle data entry into a data log. When a data value is logged, a subsequent update to the data value is not logged until the time specified by this value has elapsed. If additional updates are received during this time, the older values are discarded and are not stored in the data log. Time of receipt is ignored if the value of this configuration property is zero or invalid.
Member Number:
| 12 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpLogMinDeltaValue | Data log minimum delta time.:
Minimum amount of time between logged values. This is used to throttle data entry into a data log. When a data value is logged, a subsequent update to the data value is not logged until the time specified by this value has elapsed. If additional updates are received during this time, the older values are discarded and are not stored in the data log. Time of receipt is ignored if the value of this configuration property is zero or invalid.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 00*4 |
cpMaxSendTime | Maximum send time.:
Maximum period of time that expires before the Data Logger functional block automatically transmits the current value of the nvoStatus output network variable. This provides a heartbeat output that can be used by destination functional blocks to ensure that the functional block is still healthy.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviClear | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
cpNVType | Network variable type.: Network variable type for network variables that support changeable types.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| PID 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, Scope 0, Index 1, NVT_CAT_INITIAL, 1 bytes, A=0, B=0, C=0 |
cpPollRate | Poll rate.:
Specifies the poll rate for each data source. When this value is greater than zero, the functional block polls each of the data sources identified in the source address array at the rate specified by this value.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
cpSourceAddress | Source address.: Specifies a source address or element of an array of source addresses for and input to a functional block.
Member Number:
| 17 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| device specific, constant, modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 0 |
cpMaxAlSendTime | Alarm maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 18 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoStatus | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
cpMaxNVLength | Maximum network variable length.: Maximum length of a type that may be assigned to the nviDataValue input. Also requires implementation of the cpNvType configuration property.
Member Number:
| 19 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoLevAlarm | Flags:
| modify when disabled | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0 |
cpLogAlarmThreshold | Data log alarm threshold.: Specifies the log level required to trigger an alarm condition for the data logger.
Member Number:
| 20 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTdataLogger | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 95,5 |