Elevator/Lift Hall Lantern.. Next intended direction of travel of the elevator car after it leaves the landing. The lantern is activated only at the landing where the car is stopping.
Network Variables | Configuration Properties |
nviDownHall nviUpHall
| nciMaxReceiveT
nciBrightness nciInstLevel nciLocation nciNetCnfg nciObjMajVer nciObjMinVer nciVertScroll
Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 41 |
| no |
| 14012 |
| no |
Mandatory Network Variables |
nviUpHall | Up direction signal.: Instructs the lantern to display an 'UP' indication.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviDownHall | Down direction signal.: Instructs the lantern to display a 'DOWN' indication.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
Optional Network Variables |
nviFloorLevel | Location of elevator car.: Location of the elevator car -- used for the scenario where all the lanterns are bound to the same direction output-network-variables.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
Mandatory Configuration Properties |
nciMaxReceiveT | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables.
Optional Configuration Properties |
nciLocation | Location: Provides descriptive physical location information related to the object.
nciObjMajVer | Object major version number.: The major version number for the object.
nciObjMinVer | Object minor version number.: The minor version number for the object.
nciNetCnfg | Network configuration source.: The value of this field determines the source of the node's network configuration.
nciBrightness | Brightness output.: The brightness output of a display device.
nciInstLevel | Installed level.: The floor or level on which the device is installed.
nciVertScroll | Scroll speed.: The scroll speed of the display image.