BLOG: The Backbone to a Smarter City

Smart Cities are a prime focus for LonMark International. Municipalities worldwide are discovering the benefits of intelligent city infrastructure networks to reduce their network costs while improving light efficiency and safety. It’s now becoming strategic and compelling for cities to implement solutions to measure, analyze, and reduce electricity use in order to reduce energy spending, decrease maintenance costs, challenge their electricity providers, and contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

Today there is an urgent emphasis on cities to focus on traffic management, sustainability, and security. According to researchers, it is estimated that over 50% of the world’s population lives in cities. In the next 30 years, studies predict that urban populations will more than double in size, boosting the percentage of city dwellers to almost 70%.

Later this month, LMI is headed to Denver, CO for Smart Cities Week (May 23-24). Smart Cities Week is co-hosted by Smart Cities Council, Colorado Smart Cities Alliance, The National Smart Coalitions Partnership and the Wireless Infrastructure Association and will be co-located with the Connect(X) connectivity expo. The event will bring together attendees from both public and private sectors. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sessions about the future of urban innovation and will be empowered to network with other smart cities trailblazers. Additionally, they will have access to the Exposition Hall featuring cutting-edge companies in the business of enhancing connectivity.

At the show we are eager to discuss how smart cities can be better enabled to serve the citizens of the future. Be sure to join our panel session: How to demand Interoperability for a Smarter City AND why it’s so important…  The panel is scheduled for 24th May, 2:30p.m. As cities implement technologies for applications as diverse as streetlight controls, traffic flows to waste management it is becoming more necessary to ensure interoperability to optimize the costs and benefits over the whole project life cycle. This session will highlight the importance of interoperability and discuss best practices for specifying interoperable solutions.

Full details of the event can be found at the following links: