07 Sep PRESS RELEASE: LonMark International Expands Scope and Mission, Provides Shareware, Creating Consistent and Scalable Experiences For Developers
San Ramon, CA September 07, 2022 – LonMark International (LMI) today announced its new vision to build a world that is safer, more sustainable and interoperable while ensuring an economically positive outcome for all stakeholders. Building on its existing roots, LMI will create a global ecosystem that develops, interprets, and applies standards, regulations, education, and innovation to enable smooth interactions between control networks, buildings, devices, and people by creating a protocol inclusive platform for Interoperability.
“LMI led the world in the early 90s in the first steps towards open and interoperable technologies that precipitated the Internet of Things,” said Tracy Markie, Chairman, LonMark International and CEO of Engenuity Systems, Inc. “Today we are working across industry sectors globally to ensure this value is delivered vertically and horizontally, so that our world is truly interconnected.” Engenuity Systems has been a LonMark member for more than 25 years.
LMI also announced that the LON Stack DX is now open and available on Github (https://github.com/LonMarkTech/lon-stack-dx-lmi) to equip the IoT community with extended deployment capabilities and greater agility. The stack opens LON to a new world of hardware and software development beyond traditional building automation applications. The ability to now openly share the LON stack encourages developers to take full advantage of the decades of standardization work LMI has done to create the most open and interoperable network/IoT enabled products, systems, and solutions.
LON Stack DX allows product developers and manufacturers to easily add the LON protocol to existing devices, which now will enable their devices to be multi-protocol. According to LMI member Daniel ZOTTI who is CEO of Occitaline and President of LonMark Francophone, “Since the stack is available openly for porting on to any compatible processor, it improves the developer community’s ability to scale LonWorks based products from very inexpensive embedded endpoint products like sensors to more powerful and capable higher-level products like programmable controllers and IoT gateways.”
“The release of the LonStack DX makes the LonTalk protocol one of the most portable, open and supported by standards and easiest to use when developing new IIoT products, systems, and solutions,” says Rolf Bienert, Executive Director of LMI.

About LON Stack DX
The LON Stack DX will now enable IoT developers to build networks of communicating devices using any processor supporting the C programming language. Devices with the LON Stack DX can exchange data with each other on an easy-to-use publish-subscribe data model over IP or native LON channels. LON devices can collect data from physical sensors built to monitor the built environment including temperature, humidity, light-level, power-consumption, or moisture, and make the data available to other LON devices in the same network. Using data received from other LON devices or local sensors, LON devices can also control physical actuators such as LED dimmers, motor controllers, damper controllers, and solenoids. The LON protocol is an open standard defined by the ISO/IEC 14908 series of standards.
About LonMark International:
LonMark International is a member-based, non-profit organization that enables interoperable systems for products based on the ANSI/CTA-709 (ISO/IEC 14908) series of standards. LonMark International has tested and certified over 1000 products complying with its interoperability guidelines. Additionally, LonMark International has certified nearly 1,000 industry professionals worldwide for their expertise in the guidelines and industry standards. Products based on the ANSI/CTA-709.x (ISO/IEC 14908) suite of standards are installed in over 500,000 buildings worldwide. LonMark International remains committed to educating the industry on the value of open, interoperable systems by providing tools, resources, certification, and support for its members and their markets. For more information, visit www.lonmark.org.
LonMark and the LonMark logo are registered trademarks of LonMark International in the U.S. and other jurisdictions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Shannon Mayette
LonMark International
+1 602-882-4733