LonMark® International, a non-profit international association recognized for the certification, education and promotion of interoperability standards for control networking, today announced the winners of its “Best of the Year” awards for 2020. As an organization LMI continues to thrive with more than 1,000 products tested and certified, and over 1,000 industry professionals worldwide. Products based on the ANSI/CTA-709 (ISO/IEC 14908) standard continue to be widely deployed with products installed in over 500,000 buildings worldwide. These awards reflect the vision and innovation shared among the members of the LonMark community.

Multi-Vendor Project of the Year: ISDE is being recognized for providing an integrated, energy efficient automation solution for the Royal Hideaway Corales Resort in Spain. ISDE’s HOTELON was the integrated automation solution based on the LONWORKS standard protocol. ISDE managed to meet all the requirements by the resort as well as reduce the implementation time and infrastructure costs. To learn more please visit: Energy Efficiency for Hotels: HOTELON

Certified Product of the Year: LonWorks controller for Midea Air-condition system. The LonWorks gateway can connect up to 32 indoor and 32 outdoor air-conditioner units to the LonWorks Building Automation System. The LonWorks gateway transform RS-485 communication protocols into a standard LonTalk protocol, thus achieving integration between the central air conditioning system and LonWorks’ BAS. To learn more please visit: GW-LON(A) – Lonworks controller for Midea Air-condition system

Visionary of the Year: Matthias Lurkens, Gesytec – Matthias has served on the LonMark Board of Directors for six years. During his time as a board member of LonMark Germany he managed a seamless integration of LonMark Germany to LonMark International. In addition, he is the chairman of the LonMark Technical Committee as well as the chairman of the German Marketing Task Group. Matthias along with his company Gesytec have been key contributors to the LON HD-PLC standard (ANSI/CTA 709.8). Matthias has been a key supporter and LMI is proud to honor his contributions with this well-deserved award.

LMI Contributor of the Year: Catherine Rambaud from Arcom is an active and valued member of LMI’s Smart City Council. Her involvement, support and creative insight have been instrumental for new marketing programs. In addition, she has been a great advocate for promoting LonMark and the importance of interoperability and standardization.
“We are excited to revamp this award program to recognize the continued innovation, leadership and commitment to implement the LonMark especially during this past year,” said Rolf Bienert, executive director, LonMark International. “Despite a world pandemic LMI is positioned to see continued growth and has generated renewed momentum with a refreshed strategy, vision and value proposition.”

About LonMark International
Building from a foundation of making complex technologies accessible, interoperable and high value, LMI brings together our members’ collective skills, capacity and experience to identify and develop solutions for the key challenges facing our world today. A member-based, non-profit organization LMI enables interoperable systems based on the ISO/IEC 14908 and ANSI/CEA-709 series of standards. LMI has tested and certified over 1,000 products and has certified over 1,000 industry professionals worldwide. Products based on the ISO/IEC 14908 and ANSI/CEA-709 standards are installed in over 500,000 buildings worldwide. LMI remains committed to educating the industry on the value of open, interoperable systems by providing thought leadership, tools, and resources. For more information, visit www.lonmark.org.
LonMark and the LonMark logo are registered trademarks of LonMark International in the U.S. and other jurisdictions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Media Contact:
Shannon Mayette
LonMark International
Tel: +1 602.882.4733