Space-Comfort Command Module.. Used to control the HVAC comfort in a given space.
Network Variables | Configuration Properties |
nvoSetpoint nvoSpaceTemp
nviEffectOccup nviEffectSetpt nviEnergyHoldOff nviOutdoorRH nviOutdoorTemp nviSpaceCO2 nviSpaceRH nviSpaceTemp nviTime nviUnitStatus nviUserLockout nvoFanSpeed nvoHeatCool nvoOccManCmd nvoOccSensor nvoSetpoints nvoSetptOffset nvoSpaceCO2 nvoSpaceCO2Lim nvoSpaceRH nvoSpaceRHSetpt
| nciSndHrtBt nciTmpMinDelta nciTmpOffset
nciCO2MinDelta nciCO2Offset nciLocation nciMinOutTm nciRHMinDelta nciRHOffset nciRcvHrtBt nciRcvHrtBtNV01 nciRcvHrtBtNV03 nciRcvHrtBtNV04 nciRcvHrtBtNV06 nciRcvHrtBtNV07 nciRcvHrtBtNV08 nciRcvHrtBtNV09 nciRcvHrtBtNV10 nciRcvHrtBtNV11 nciSetPnts nciSndHrtBtNV13 nciSndHrtBtNV14 nciSndHrtBtNV16 nciSndHrtBtNV17 nciSndHrtBtNV18 nciSndHrtBtNV20
Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 77 |
| no |
| 8090 |
| no |
Mandatory Network Variables |
nvoSetpoint | Temperature Setpoint Output.: This output network variable is used to allow the occupant to change the temperature setpoint for the occupied and standby mode from the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 12 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
nvoSpaceTemp | Space Temperature Output.: This output network variable is used to transmit the space temperature that is hard wired to the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
Optional Network Variables |
nviSpaceTemp | Space Temperature Input.: This input network variable is used to display the value of an external space temperature sensor.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviUserLockout | User Lockout Input.: This input network variable is used by the supervisory device to restrict the occupant from making certain changes.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviTime | Time Input.: This input network variable is used to display the local time in the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEffectSetpt | Effective Temperature Setpoint Input.: This input network variable is from a controller object and is used to display in the Command Module Device the controller's Effective Setpoint.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEffectOccup | Effective Occupancy Input.: This input network variable is used to indicate the associated controller object's actual occupancy mode.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviUnitStatus | Unit Status Input.:
This input network variable is transmitted from the Controller object to inform the occupant of the status of the associated HVAC equipment, to be displayed in the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOutdoorTemp | Outdoor Air Temperature Input.: This input network variable represents information from an outdoor air temperature sensor.
Member Number:
| 7 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOutdoorRH | Outdoor Air Humidity Input.: This input network variable is used to display outdoor humidity in percent.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSpaceRH | Space Humidity Input.: This input network variable is used to display space humidity in percent.
Member Number:
| 9 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSpaceCO2 | Space CO2 Sensor Input.: This input network variable is used to display the space CO2 levels in PPM.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEnergyHoldOff | Energy Hold Off Input.: This input is from a space comfort controller device which monitors inputs such as a window contact sensor.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nvoHeatCool | Heat/Cool Output.: This output network variable from the Command Module Device is used to transmit the user's command to the controller of the HVAC equipment.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoFanSpeed | Fan Speed Output.: This output network variable reflects the requested speed of a remote fan.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
nvoOccSensor | Occupancy Sensor Output.: The Command Module Device object conveys to the network the occupancy state of a hard wired occupancy sensor.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoSpaceRH | Space Humidity Output.: This output network variable is used to transmit the space relative humidity that is hard wired to the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 17 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoSpaceCO2 | Space CO2 Sensor Output.: This output network variable is used to transmit the space CO2 sensor value that is hard wired to the Command Module Device.
Member Number:
| 18 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoOccManCmd | Occupancy Manual Command Output.: The Command Module Device object conveys to the network the occupancy state as it is modified by the occupant.
Member Number:
| 19 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
nvoSetptOffset | Temperature Setpoint Offset Output.: This output network variable is used to shift the temperature setpoint via the network, by adding nviSetPtOffset to the current setpoint.
Member Number:
| 20 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoSetpoints | Occupancy Temperature Setpoints Output.: This output defines the occupancy temperature setpoints for heat and cool mode.
Member Number:
| 21 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
nvoSpaceCO2Lim | Space CO2 Limit Output.: This network output property defines a high limit CO2 setpoint as requested by the occupant for ventilation functions.
Member Number:
| 22 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
nvoSpaceRHSetpt | Space Humidity Setpoint Output.: This network output property defines the high limit humidity setpoint for the controlled space.
Member Number:
| 23 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| acknowledged |
Mandatory Configuration Properties |
nciSndHrtBt | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
nciTmpOffset | Temperature offset.: Used to calibrate external hardware with additive offset after transformation.
nciTmpMinDelta | Minimum delta temperature.: The minimum change in temperature required to be treated as significant.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTsccCommandModule | Array:
| not permitted | Minimum:
| 0,00 | Default:
| 0,00 |
Optional Configuration Properties |
nciSndHrtBtNV14 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoHeatCool | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciSndHrtBtNV16 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoOccSensor | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciSndHrtBtNV17 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSpaceRH | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciSndHrtBtNV18 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSpaceCO2 | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciSndHrtBtNV20 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSetptOffset | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciMinOutTm | Minimum send time.: The minimum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
nciSetPnts | Occupancy temperature setpoints.: The occupancy temperature setpoints for heat and cool mode.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTsccCommandModule | Array:
| not permitted | Minimum:
| -10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00 | Maximum:
| 35,00,35,00,35,00,35,00,35,00,35,00 | Default:
| 23,00,25,00,28,00,21,00,19,00,16,00 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV01 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviSpaceTemp | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV03 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 12 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviTime | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV04 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviEffectSetpt | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV06 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviUnitStatus | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV07 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviOutdoorTemp | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV08 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviOutdoorRH | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV09 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 17 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviSpaceRH | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV10 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 18 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviSpaceCO2 | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBtNV11 | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.
Member Number:
| 19 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviEnergyHoldOff | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciLocation | Location: Provides descriptive physical location information related to the object.
nciCO2Offset | CO2 level offset.: Used to calibrate external hardware with additive offset after transformation.
nciCO2MinDelta | Minimum delta CO2 level.: The minimum change in CO2 level required to be treated as significant.
nciRHOffset | Relative humidity offset.: Used to calibrate external hardware with additive offset after transformation.
nciRHMinDelta | Minimum delta relative humidity.: The minimum change in RH level required to be treated as significant.
Member Number:
| 24 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTsccCommandModule | Array:
| not permitted | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Default:
| 1,000 |
nciSndHrtBtNV13 | Maximum send time.: The maximum period of time between consecutive transmissions of the current value.
Member Number:
| 25 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoSpaceTemp | Array:
| not permitted | Default:
| 0,0 |
nciRcvHrtBt | Maximum receive time.:
The maximum period of time that may expire with no updates on the associated input network variables before the object goes into heartbeat failure mode. A zero value disables the mechanism.