

Register value.  (raw value, unit code, number of decimals, status, state, timestamp.) .   

Used to send a value and appropriate unit of measure to a recording or displaying device that would use the unit field to properly handle the 32-bit value.

The status bitfield has the following two representations, and the functional profile or installation should specify the representation used:

Singular, enumerated
Mask, bitmapped
Time has been changed during the measuring period and the change exceeds the error limit, or time is invalid time.
Internal/External error during the measuring period (e.g., watchdog reset, error in EEPROM operation, memory checksum error, Polling error from the external device, register overflow or underflow—with subtracting pulse inputs—during the measuring period).
Power failure during the measuring period.
Illegal value request (e.g., uninitiated after boot up, input values out of range).


Time has been changed during the measuring period and the change exceeds the error limit, or time is invalid time. Register is activated. Start time of measuring is January 31, 2000 at 23:45:00.
raw = 1.23456 e5 = 123456
unit = RVU_KW
nr_decimals = 2
status = 0x1
reg_state = 1
year = 2000
month = 1
day = 31
hour = 23
minute = 45
second = 00
Physical value = 1234.56 kW


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 137
Obsolete: no
Size: 13
Programmatic Name: SNVT_reg_val_ts
Neuron C Type:
rawRaw value..   
Minimum: -2147483648
Maximum: 2147483647
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
unitUnit code.  (unit names.) .   
nr_decimalsNumber of decimals.  (digits to right of decimal point.) .   
Signed: no
Width: 3
Offset: 0
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 7
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
statusStatus  (status or error during measuring period.) .   
Signed: no
Width: 4
Offset: 3
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 15
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
reg_stateActivation state.  (activation state of register.) .   
Signed: no
Width: 1
Offset: 7
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
yearYear  (years) .  Zero (0) means year not specified. Minus one (-1) represents NULL date. 
signed long
Minimum: -1
Maximum: 3000
Invalid: -1
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
monthMonth  (months) .  Zero (0) means month not specified. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 12
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
dayDay  (days) .  Zero (0) means day not specified. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 31
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
hourHour  (hours) .  This field uses a 24-hour value. 
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 23
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
minuteMinute  (minutes) .   
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 59
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1
secondSecond  (seconds) .   
unsigned short
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 59
Scaling (A,B,C): 1,  0,  0
Scaled value: 1 *10 0 *(Raw+0)
Resolution: 1

SNVT_reg_val_ts:  text("%d %m %d %d %d %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d", raw, unit, nr_decimals, status, reg_state, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

SNVT_reg_val_ts#LO:  text(("%d %m %d %d %d ",raw, unit, nr_decimals, status, reg_state),date(year, month, day), (" "), time(hour, minute, second))

Used by:

SFPTutilityDataLoggerRegister  SFPTutilityMeter