Space Comfort Controller (SCC) - Self-Contained.. Type of HVAC unit controller that provides temperature control for a space within a building.
Network Variables | Configuration Properties |
nviSpaceTemp nvoSpaceTemp nvoUnitStatus
nviAirFlowSetpt nviAirflow nviApplicMode nviAuxHeatEnable nviComprEnable nviCoolPriSlave nviCoolSecSlave nviCoolSrcTemp nviEconEnable nviEmergOverride nviEnergyHoldOff nviFanSpeedCmd nviFlowOverride nviHeatCool nviHeatPriSlave nviHeatSecSlave nviHeatSrcTemp nviMinAirFlow nviMinAirFlowHt nviOAMinPos nviOccManCmd nviOccSchedule nviOccSensor nviOutdoorDewPt nviOutdoorRH nviOutdoorTemp nviSetpoint nviSetptOffset nviSetptShift nviSourceTemp nviSpaceDewPt nviSpaceIAQ nviSpaceRH nviTerminalLoad nviValveOverride nvoAirFlowHeat nvoAirflow nvoCoolPrimary nvoCoolSecondary nvoDischAirTemp nvoEffFlowSPHeat nvoEffectFlowSP nvoEffectOccup nvoEffectSetpt nvoEnergyHoldOff nvoFanSpeed nvoFlowSPHeat nvoFlowSetpoint nvoHeatCool nvoHeatPrimary nvoHeatSecondary nvoHumidifier nvoLoadAbs nvoLoadAbsK nvoLocalSpaceTmp nvoMixedAirTemp nvoOADamper nvoOutdoorRH nvoOutdoorTemp nvoSatStatus nvoSetpoint nvoSetptShift nvoSpaceCO2 nvoSpaceDewPt nvoSpaceRH nvoTerminalLoad
| nciSetpoints nciSndHrtBt
nciBypassTime nciDuctArea nciDuctAreaHeat nciFanOperation nciFlowGain nciFlowGainHeat nciFlowOffset nciHvacType nciLocation nciManualTime nciMaxFlow nciMaxFlowHeat nciMinFlow nciMinFlowHeat nciMinFlowStdby nciMinFlowUnitHt nciMinOutTm nciMnFlwStdbyHt nciNomFlow nciNomFlowHeat nciNumDampers nciNumValve nciOAMinPos nciRcvHrtBt nciSatTime nciSpaceCO2Lim nciSpaceRHSetpt nciUnitMaxFlow nciUnitMinFlow nciUntMnFlwStdby
Details: |
Resource Set:
| Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0 |
| 31 |
| no |
| 8509 |
| no |
Principal Variable
| nvoUnitStatus |
Mandatory Network Variables |
nviSpaceTemp | Space temperature input.: Connects an external space temperature sensor to the node.
Member Number:
| 1 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -10,00 | Maximum:
| 50,00 |
nvoSpaceTemp | Effective space temperature output.: Used to monitor the effective space temperature that the SCC is using for control.
Member Number:
| 26 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoUnitStatus | Unit status output.: Reports the SCC status.
Member Number:
| 27 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
Optional Network Variables |
nviSetpoint | Temperature setpoint input (absolute): Allows the temperature setpoints for the occupied and standby modes to be changed via the network.
Member Number:
| 2 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 10,00 | Maximum:
| 35,00 |
nviSetptOffset | Setpoint offset input.: Shifts the effective occupied and standby temperature setpoints by adding this NV's value to the present setpoints.
Member Number:
| 3 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -10,00 | Maximum:
| 10,00 |
nviSetptShift | Setpoint shift input.: Shifts the effective heat/cool setpoints by adding the corresponding value in this NV to the present setpoints.
Member Number:
| 4 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00 | Maximum:
| 10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00 |
nviOccSchedule | Occupancy scheduler input.: Commands the SCC into different occupancy modes.
Member Number:
| 5 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOccManCmd | Occupancy override input.: Commands the SCC into different occupancy modes.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviOccSensor | Occupancy sensor input.: Indicates the presence of occupants in the controlled space.
Member Number:
| 7 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviApplicMode | Application mode input.: Used to coordinate the SCC with any supervisory controller.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviHeatCool | Heat/cool mode input.: Used to coordinate the SCC with any node that may need to control the heat/cool changeover of the unit.
Member Number:
| 9 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviFanSpeedCmd | Fan speed command input.: Enables connection of an external fan speed switch, or allows a supervisory device to override the fan speed.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviComprEnable | Compressor enable input.: This input is used to disable compressor operation.
Member Number:
| 11 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviAuxHeatEnable | Auxiliary heat enable input.: This input is used to disable auxiliary heat operation.
Member Number:
| 12 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEconEnable | Economizer enable input.: This input is used to enable and disable economizer operation.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEnergyHoldOff | Energy hold-off input.: This input is used to stop heating and cooling while allowing the unit to protect the space from temperature extremes.
Member Number:
| 14 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviValveOverride | Water valve override input.: Commands the controller into a manual mode for overriding water valves.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviFlowOverride | Airflow override input.: Commands the controller into a manual mode for overriding airflow control.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviEmergOverride | Emergency override input.: Commands the device into different emergency modes.
Member Number:
| 17 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviSourceTemp | Source temperature input.: Indicates the temperature of the air or water being supplied to the unit for heating and/or cooling capacity.
Member Number:
| 18 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,00 | Maximum:
| 100,00 |
nviOutdoorTemp | Outdoor air temperature input.: Represents information from an outdoor air temperature sensor.
Member Number:
| 19 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -40,00 | Maximum:
| 50,00 |
nviSpaceRH | Space humidity input.: Measured space humidity in percent.
Member Number:
| 20 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviOutdoorRH | Outdoor air humidity input.: Measured outdoor humidity in percent.
Member Number:
| 21 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviSpaceIAQ | Space indoor air quality input.: Measured space CO2 or VOC levels in PPM.
Member Number:
| 22 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0 | Maximum:
| 5000 |
nviSpaceDewPt | Space dewpoint temperature input.: Measured space dewpoint temperature.
Member Number:
| 23 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -10,00 | Maximum:
| 50,00 |
nviOutdoorDewPt | Outdoor air dewpoint temperature input.: Measured outdoor dewpoint temperature.
Member Number:
| 24 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -40,00 | Maximum:
| 50,00 |
nviAirflow | Airflow input.: The measured supply airflow value is typically provided by a flow sensor on the network.
Member Number:
| 25 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nvoEffectSetpt | Effective setpoint output.: Monitors the effective temperature setpoint.
Member Number:
| 28 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoEffectOccup | Effective occupancy output.: Actual occupancy mode of the unit.
Member Number:
| 29 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoHeatCool | Effective heat/cool output.: Actual heat/cool mode of the unit.
Member Number:
| 30 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoSetpoint | Local setpoint output.: Space temperature setpoint value if a setpoint device is hardwired.
Member Number:
| 31 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoSetptShift | Local setpoint shift output.: Locally determined shift of the effective heat/cool setpoints.
Member Number:
| 32 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00,-10,00 | Maximum:
| 10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00,10,00 |
nvoFanSpeed | Fan speed output.: Actual fan speed of a local multi-speed fan as well as the requested speed of a remote fan.
Member Number:
| 33 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoDischAirTemp | Discharge air temperature output.: Monitors the temperature of the air that leaves the SCC.
Member Number:
| 34 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoLoadAbs | Absolute power consumption output.: Present power consumption of the unit.
Member Number:
| 35 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoLoadAbsK | Absolute power consumption (kW) output.: Present power consumption of the unit.
Member Number:
| 36 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoTerminalLoad | Terminal load output.: Present heat/cool energy demand of the unit.
Member Number:
| 37 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoHeatPrimary | Primary heat output.: Present level of the primary heat output.
Member Number:
| 38 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoHeatSecondary | Secondary heat output.: Present level of the secondary heat output.
Member Number:
| 39 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoCoolPrimary | Primary cool output.: Present level of the primary mechanical cooling output.
Member Number:
| 40 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoCoolSecondary | Secondary cool output.: Present level of the secondary mechanical cooling output.
Member Number:
| 41 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoOADamper | Outdoor air damper output.: Present position of the outdoor air damper (if hardwired) or as a request to a remote outdoor air damper.
Member Number:
| 42 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoSpaceRH | Space humidity output.: Space humidity in percent, if the SCC Device has a hardwired humidity sensor.
Member Number:
| 43 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoOutdoorRH | Outdoor air humidity output.: Outdoor air humidity in percent, if the SCC Device has a hardwired humidity sensor.
Member Number:
| 44 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoOutdoorTemp | Outdoor air temperature output.: Monitors the outdoor air temperature if the unit controller provides a hardwired temperature sensor.
Member Number:
| 45 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoSpaceCO2 | Space CO2 sensor output.: Space CO2 concentration in ppm, if the SCC Device has a hardwired CO2 sensor.
Member Number:
| 46 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoSpaceDewPt | Space dewpoint temperature output.: Space dewpoint temperature.
Member Number:
| 47 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoHumidifier | Humidifier output.: Present value of the humidifier (if hardwired) or can be used to control a remote humidifier or control valve.
Member Number:
| 48 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoEnergyHoldOff | Energy hold-off output.: Present state of an energy hold-off device that is hardwired to the controller.
Member Number:
| 49 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoEffectFlowSP | Effective airflow setpoint output.: Active flow setpoint used by the flow control loop.
Member Number:
| 50 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nvoFlowSetpoint | Flow control damper setpoint output.: Active flow setpoint used by the flow control loop.
Member Number:
| 51 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 163,000 |
nvoAirflow | Airflow output.: Measured airflow in the unit.
Member Number:
| 52 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| any |
nviHeatSrcTemp | Heat source temperature input.: Temperature of the air or water being supplied to the unit for heating capacity.
Member Number:
| 53 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,00 | Maximum:
| 100,00 |
nviCoolSrcTemp | Cool source temperature input.: Temperature of the air or water being supplied to the unit for cooling capacity.
Member Number:
| 54 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,00 | Maximum:
| 50,00 |
nviHeatPriSlave | Primary heat input for slave operation.: This input NV is intended for slave operation.
Member Number:
| 55 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviHeatSecSlave | Secondary heat input for slave operation.: This input NV is intended for slave operation.
Member Number:
| 56 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviCoolPriSlave | Primary cool input for slave operation.: This input NV is intended for slave operation.
Member Number:
| 57 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviCoolSecSlave | Secondary cool input for slave operation.: This input NV is intended for slave operation.
Member Number:
| 58 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviOAMinPos | Minimum position OA damper input.: Dynamic minimum position setpoint for an outdoor air damper. When valid it will supercede nciOAMinPos.
Member Number:
| 59 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviMinAirFlow | Minimum air flow setpoint input.: Dynamic minimum cooling air flow setpoint for single or dual duct VAV terminal units. When valid it will supercede nciMinFlow.
Member Number:
| 60 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviMinAirFlowHt | Minimum heat air flow setpoint input.: Dynamic minimum heating air flow setpoint for single or dual duct VAV terminal units. When valid it will supercede nciMinFlowHeat.
Member Number:
| 61 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nviAirFlowSetpt | Air flow setpoint input.: The controller will add this input with nciFlowOffset to derive the active flow setpoint.
Member Number:
| 62 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any |
nviTerminalLoad | Terminal load input.: When used with nvoTerminalLoad from another controller can be used to coordinate master/salve operation.
Member Number:
| 63 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| input | Service:
| any | Minimum:
| -100,000 | Maximum:
| 100,000 |
nvoMixedAirTemp | Mixed air temperature output.: The temperature of the combined return and fresh airstreams in an AHU before they reach the water coils.
Member Number:
| 64 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoLocalSpaceTmp | Local space temperature output.: Local hardwired space temperature input.
Member Number:
| 65 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoEffFlowSPHeat | Effective air flow heat setpoint output.: The hot or ventilation duct flow setpoint of a dual duct unit.
Member Number:
| 66 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoFlowSPHeat | Flow control damper heat setpoint output.: Active flow setpoint used by the flow control loop for a hot or ventilation deck in a dual duct unit.
Member Number:
| 67 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged | Minimum:
| 0,000 | Maximum:
| 163,000 |
nvoAirFlowHeat | Air flow heat output.: Air flow of a hot or ventilation deck of a dual duct VAV terminal.
Member Number:
| 68 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
nvoSatStatus | HVAC saturation status.: Indicates whether the control algorithm capacity limits, or end device physical limits, have been reached.
Member Number:
| 69 |
Base type:
| | Direction:
| output | Service:
| unacknowledged |
Mandatory Configuration Properties |
nciSndHrtBt | Send heartbeat.: Maximum period of time that expires before the specified NV outputs will automatically be updated.
nciSetpoints | Occupancy temperature setpoints.: Space temperature setpoints for the various heat, cool, and occupancy modes.
Optional Configuration Properties |
nciMinOutTm | Minimum send time.: Minimum period of time between automatic NV output transmissions.
nciRcvHrtBt | Receive heartbeat.: Maximum time that elapses after the last update to a specified NV input before the SCC starts to use its default values.
nciLocation | Location label.: Provides descriptive physical location information related to the object.
nciBypassTime | Local bypass time.: Maximum amount of time that the SCC can be in the bypass (occupancy) mode following a single bypass request.
Member Number:
| 6 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviOccManCmd | Array:
| not permitted |
nciManualTime | Manual override time.: Maximum time that the SCC will stay in a manual mode that was requested by a NV input, without receiving an update on that NV.
nciOAMinPos | Outdoor air damper minimum position.: Minimum position for the outdoor air damper.
Member Number:
| 8 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoOADamper | Array:
| not permitted |
nciSpaceCO2Lim | Space CO2 limit.: Maximum limit to allowable carbon dioxide within a defined area.
Member Number:
| 9 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviSpaceIAQ | Array:
| not permitted |
nciSpaceRHSetpt | Space humidity setpoint.: High-limit humidity setpoint for the controlled space.
Member Number:
| 10 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviSpaceRH | Array:
| not permitted |
nciNumValve | Number of heating/cooling valves.: Selects whether the SCC is used in a two pipe (one valve) or four pipe (two valve) system.
nciDuctArea | Duct area or size.: Nominal cross-sectional airflow area of a VAV terminal.
nciNomFlow | Nominal air flow.: Nominal airflow volume of a VAV terminal.
Member Number:
| 13 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nvoFlowSetpoint | Array:
| not permitted |
nciFlowGain | Airflow measurement gain.: Calibrates the airflow reading of a VAV terminal.
nciMinFlow | Minimum airflow.: Minimum airflow setpoint of a VAV terminal.
Member Number:
| 15 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviAirflow | Array:
| not permitted |
nciMaxFlow | Maximum airflow.: Maximum airflow setpoint of a VAV terminal.
Member Number:
| 16 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| nviAirflow | Array:
| not permitted |
nciMinFlowHeat | Heating minimum airflow.: Minimum airflow setpoint of a VAV terminal while heating.
nciMaxFlowHeat | Heating maximum airflow.: Maximum airflow setpoint of a VAV terminal while heating.
nciMinFlowStdby | Standby minimum airflow.: Minimum airflow setpoint of a VAV terminal in the Standby (occupancy) mode.
nciHvacType | HVAC unit type identifier.: This value is set by the manufacturer to allow an integrator to know the function of this SCC device.
Member Number:
| 20 |
Base type:
| |
Applies to
| SFPTsccSelfContained | Flags:
| device specific, constant | Array:
| not permitted |
nciFanOperation | Fan operation.: Specifies fan operation during occupied and occupied standby. Fan operation during unoccupied is manufacturer defined.
nciUnitMinFlow | Unit minimum air flow.: Unit minimum air flow for dual duct VAV Terminal units.
nciUnitMaxFlow | Unit maximum air flow.: Unit maximum air flow for dual duct VAV Terminal units.
nciMnFlwStdbyHt | Standby heating minimum air flow.: The heating or ventilated deck minimum flow of a dual duct VAV Terminal unit during occupied standby mode.
nciUntMnFlwStdby | Standby unit minimum air flow.: Total unit minimum airflow for dual duct units during occupied standby mode.
nciFlowOffset | Air flow offset.:
nciDuctAreaHeat | Heating duct area.: Nominal cross-sectional airflow area of the hot or ventilation deck of a dual duct VAV terminal unit.
nciNomFlowHeat | Heating nominal flow.: Value used to provide the nominal airflow volume of a hot or ventilation deck of a dual duct VAV terminal.
nciFlowGainHeat | VAV sensor constant.: Calibration constant used to calculate airflow.
nciNumDampers | Number of dampers.: Indicates to the controller if it is in a single or dual duct system.
nciMinFlowUnitHt | Unit heating minimum flow.: Minimum airflow setpoint of a single duct, or the unit minimum airflow setpoint of a dual duct VAV terminal when using a unit (local) heating source.
nciSatTime | Saturation time.: